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信息来源   时间: 2024-01-02  浏览次数:0

  Amid the fight against COVID-19 resurgence, Jiangsu has strengthened efforts to improve the management of wheat fields and ensure the progress for spring sowing.


  In the suburban farmlands of Nanjing, wheat is now in the stem elongation stage, a critical phase for yield formation. The city’s Qixia District has 29,600 mu (1973 hectare) of wheat this year, 5,115 mu over last year. Qixia also distributed 309 tons of farm supplies and 177 farm machinery units into use.


  Lianyungang, with a wheat growing area of about 3.7 million mu, has set up five taskforces responsible for guiding farmers to improve management of wheat fields, such as fertigation already done in 2.65 million mu.


  In Taicang, efforts have been made to organize technicians to offer 24-hour online services to farmers, while videos on best farming practices are shared through WeChat, Douyin and QQ apps.


  The Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development of Yizheng also sent five teams to 11 towns with nearly 200,000 mu of wheat fields, who helped in field management, spring ploughing operations, disaster prevention and other problems.


  Wu Taiping, general manager of the Jiangsu Agricultural Goup Liyang Co Ltd, said the market demand will be met as there are some 6,000 tons of fertilizer about 200 tons of various pesticides in stock.


  Zhangjiagang and districts under the administration of Suzhou have earmarked 5.375 million yuan from a provincial fiscal fund for the prevention and control of fusarium head blight, a major threat to wheat production in China. The high-efficiency, low-risk and low-use pesticides will be provided to farmers free of charge starting from the end of March.

